* Clay Shoot Registration OPEN *

* Clay Shoot Registration OPEN *

The 2024-2025 ACE Year Is Open!

Check out information about our Presentation Night below


Free, Award-winning, After-school Program

Our mission is to engage, excite, and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering, and construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry.


Become a Mentor

There is no substitute for experience — the ACE Mentor Program is driven by the committed and enthusiastic participation of volunteer mentors who are practicing professionals in their respective fields. ACE offers high school students the best opportunities because ACE offers the best industry mentors.

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Support ACE Western PA

Our sponsors help to:

  • Keep the program FREE for students

  • Inspire young individuals to pursue architecture, construction, and engineering careers

  • Create a dedicated workforce in Pittsburgh